I can’t believe we have an in-person event on the calendar after more than a year! It is exciting, and if I’m honest, a little scary. I feel like my family and I have been hunkering down at home working so hard to limit contact that I’m worried about how well I’m going to transition to these in-person events! I love our event theme though, “Here Comes The Sun,” especially when our Executive Director Jill Epstein reminded me about that line in the song lyric about the ice slowly melting. So, I’m working to embrace the sun, here it comes! In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated about our virtual programming and what you can expect from our upcoming hybrid programming so that we can meet you where you are comfortable.
Speaking of virtual programming, we hosted our second virtual Awards Ceremony and Celebration of Community Service on May 21, honoring some of our San Diego legal community shining stars. These individuals are truly remarkable and it was our honor to celebrate their contributions to our community. We’re looking forward to being in-person to celebrate next year, but until then, you can watch the 2021 video replay here (1:19).
As California and San Diego begin to open back up, we’re seeing an increase in people who need lawyers, and we want to make sure we meet that community need. The SDCBA has started working with Spanish Radio shows to educate our community on common questions about different areas of law. If you’re a Spanish-speaker, we would love to have you interviewed on your area of practice! You can sign up here. If you would like to increase your case load, you can apply to join our Lawyer Referral & Information Service panels to get referrals!
As summer approaches, it does feel like it’s been years since we’ve been positioned like this. It feels hopeful. I’m excited to reconnect with all of you.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: The Goddess Book by Nancy Blair
Listening to: Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba