At the San Diego County Bar Association, we view leadership as a key to spurring positive growth and change in our society. Indeed, leadership is one of our six core values and we aim to provide the resources, opportunities, and support that our members need to grow as leaders in their practices and in our community.
With this in mind, we are kicking off our 2020Leadership Speaker Series with Elevate Your Points & Presence in Virtual Presentations this Wednesday, June 10 at noon. In this one-hour program, public speaking trainer Joel Schwartzberg, author of a hit article in Harvard Business Review, will cover how to use Zoom to make your points and presence loud, clear, and powerful. This event will include training on effective point-making, visual framing, meeting mindfulness, removing distractions, volume training, where to look, and strategic use of chat, as well as tips on giving meaningful recognition and active listening. This event is free for SDCBA members. Registerhere.
Also, stay tuned for more details on our July 20th Leadership Speakers Series event, “Lights, Camera, Action: How to Become a TV Legal Commentator.” This lunchtime program will show you how to put your legal skills to use communicating to a non-legal audience through mass media. Speaking of various media forms, you can tune in to the latest edition of Meet & Confer, the SDCBA’s podcast, to hear Executive Director Jill Epstein and me discuss what’s been happening at the Bar. Listen to the podcast here.
Finally, leadership within the SDCBA also means standing up and speaking out on important issues. In response to the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other victims of racism and violence against people of color in our country and in our community, last week we issued a statement condemning racism and violence against communities of color and committing to working toward positive change. Our statement includes a call to action not just to denounce racism, but to beanti-racist. To assist our members and the public in learning more about taking concrete actions to be anti-racist, we have assembled an Anti-Racism Resources page on our website. Please visit this page to learn more about systemic racism, implicit bias, and how you can support communities of color. We also call on all members of the legal community to be leaders by making a personal commitment to equitable treatment and equal justice for all. As a society, we must be better, and do better.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President