The SDCBA’s top goal is serving the needs of our members. While our collective circumstances have changed as a result of COVID-19, our goal has not. We are evolving our offerings to meet your evolving needs. To do that most effectively, we want to hear from you: how can the SDCBA best support you in the coming months? Please let us know by taking this brief 5-minute survey. We look forward to your feedback.
The SDCBA’s top goal is
serving the needs of our members. While our collective circumstances have
changed as a result of COVID-19, our goal has not. We are evolving our
offerings to meet your evolving needs. To do that most effectively, we want to
hear from you: how can the SDCBA best support you in the coming months? Please
let us know by taking this brief 5-minute survey. We look forward to your
One way we are supporting you now is with frequent, timely, and informative
webinars. At 9 a.m. tomorrow, learn how to best use Zoom for your online meetings, collaboration, depositions, and mediations, with
Adriana Linares, our Member Technology Officer. Also tomorrow, at noon, join us
for a webinar from one of our newest Member Benefits Providers, TrustBooks, on how to manage your trust account from anywhere.
And on April 7, we will host a CLE webinar, 2020 Forecast: COVID-19 and Other US Healthcare
Regulatory Marketplace Updates. This event is designed for
healthcare, corporate, life science, and intellectual property attorneys, as
well as healthcare professionals who are interested in regulatory updates.
Finally, the SDCBA has arranged for daily yoga sessions from 8-9 a.m. with
certified yoga instructors, which are free for members.
While globally and locally we all are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, the
SDCBA believes it is vital at all times to live our core values, to lead by example, and to
encourage accurate reporting of the facts. That is why we have issued a public statement denouncing the use of
racist, xenophobic terms to describe the COVID-19 virus.
In our SDCBA community, many members find use of our listservs particularly
helpful for dialogue among colleagues. In the past several weeks, we have seen
extensive support, collaboration, and expertise shared relating to COVID-19
issues. To join a Section, visit “My Profile” to log in and join
Sections. Additionally, in using our listservs, we encourage all members to be
mindful of the SDCBA’s Listserv Rules.
Finally, to recap the SDCBA operations update we sent out this past Friday,
this week we will review current government orders and public health
guidance to determine a targeted date for re-opening the Bar Center and SDCBA
offices. Until then, our staff continues to work remotely and is available
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., our Lawyer Referral and Information
Service is taking calls and making referrals just as before, and our Committees
are meeting virtually to maintain their work on behalf of the SDCBA. You can
read the full update here.
As we continue to navigate this evolving situation together, please know that
the SDCBA is here for you. Stay safe, stay healthy, and we look forward to
supporting you in every way we can.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President