And just like that, it’s November. This month I plan to start each week with something that sparks gratitude within me. In the past, I have engaged in various gratitude challenges and, while they can sometimes feel like work, they have always been worth the effort for me. I found this 30 Day Gratitude Challenge this year, and I’m starting today by sending a positive note to someone – handwritten and snail-mailed, no less! If you join the challenge, I hope you’ll let me know how it’s going throughout the month!
As of today, the Bar Center is fully re-opened (with masks), and we begin the return to in-person, inside events. For those who are not ready for in-person programming, please know that we will continue to meet your needs with hybrid programming and continued virtual and hybrid meetings where possible.
In fact, our programs this week remain 100% virtual as we begin the transition.
For our law students, we have two Diversity Fellowship Program Virtual Orientations this week so that you can learn about our 8-10 week paid internship with some of San Diego’s most prominent legal employers.
For our lawyer members, we have a (virtual) State of the Bankruptcy Court update tomorrow, a webinar on COVID-19 public health measures, and a roundtable webinar on how equity is being incorporated into transportation planning decisions.
Thank you to all our volunteers who continue to brainstorm unique and
cutting-edge programming for our members. I’m grateful. Not just this month of “giving thanks,” but every day. We couldn’t do it without you.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: *break week*
Listening to: Meet Me At Our Spot by The Anxiety, Tyler Cole, and
Willow Smith
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba