At our recent Right to Vote! program, I learned so much voting rights history that I never studied before and gained a deeper grasp of the legal issues currently percolating in courts across our country. But for me, what is top of mind this week are comments by our voting rights attorneys pointing out that the unsung heroes of elections in 2020 are the election professionals in states and counties across the country working hard to ensure that citizens can safely exercise the right to vote.
Our own San Diego County Registrar, Michael Vu, was on the Right to Vote! panel and after accepting our thanks, he discussed how the scale of the changes in voting necessitated by the pandemic—from the expansion of voting by mail, to changes in polling places, safety and cleaning protocols, and recruitment and training of site managers and poll workers during this pandemic—are changes that that typically would have taken years to implement. Yet states and counties have turned nearly on a dime, and citizens are responding with an historic number of votes already having been cast (as of this writing, more than two-thirds of the total votes from the 2016 presidential election already have been cast). In case you missed them, the SDCBA’s 2020 judicial election evaluations are here and our statement endorsing San Diego City Measure B is here. If you haven’t voted already, we hope you do so and encourage others, as well!
As for goings on at the SDCBA, our membership renewal season is in full swing. The fantastic news is that you can renew for 2021 and keep the 2020 rate! Plus, you can add an unlimited CLE pass—valid from now through the end of 2021—for an additional $100. Or, upgrade to the all-inclusive Patron or our Friend membership level for 2021 and begin receiving those exclusive benefits today. Click here to renew now.
As the pandemic has worn on, and is intertwined with economic challenges and the movement for social justice, I also want to reflect on one of the SDCBA’s 2020-2022 strategic goals: to promote and provide wellness offerings. On that note, the SDCBA’s Wellness Subcommittee is devoting the month of November to specifically highlight the practice of wellness. We are proud to support these efforts dedicated to attorney well-being, creating healthy routines, and stress management. All month, This Week at the Bar will feature new wellness tips, starting with this week’s video “Mindful Breath” and article “Elongate Your Exhale and Relax for a Minute” by Lori Bessler. We hope you find these wellness tips valuable. If you have suggestions for wellness topics—or questions you’d like to pose—we encourage you to submit them through our Member Suggestion Box.
We have two court update programs coming up this week. On Wednesday November 4 at noon, we are hosting the presiding justices from the Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Divisions One (San Diego), Two (Riverside) and Three (Santa Ana). The justices will present a State of the Appellate Court Update in light of COVID-19 and address other impacts on our local California appellate courts. The program provides 1.0 hour of general and appellate specialization CLE. Register here.
And, on Thursday, November 5 at noon, our Court Practice Series—which provides newer attorneys an opportunity to get to know our local courts—will present Decoding Family Law Court with the Supervising Family Judge and our Family Law Section Chair. The program offers 1.0 hour of CLE, which is free to attorneys within their first seven years of practice, though the program is open to all members. Register here.
We hope you also will join us for the following events this and next week:
- November 5, 5:30 p.m. – Choice of Entity: The Difference Between LLCs and S Corporations (presented by the Taxation Law Section; offers 1.0 CLE Credit and 1.0 Specialization in Taxation Law)
- November 6, 8:30 a.m. – Coffee & Conversation Roundtable: Real Estate Mediation and Arbitration Disputes (presented by the Alternative Resolution Dispute Section)
- November 9, 12:00 p.m. – Annual Corporate & LLC Update 2020 (presented by the Business and Corporate Law Section; offers 1.0 hour CLE credit)
- November 10, 10:00 a.m. – Tech Tuesday: Building and Understanding Your Firm Website – Creating and Editing Content in WordPress (Part 3 of 4. Part 1 can be viewed here and Part 2 can be viewed here).
- November 10, 12:00 p.m. – Direct Examination and Cross-Examination at Trial (presented by the Civil Litigation Law Section; offers 1.5 hours of CLE credit)
Don’t forget, voting for the SDCBA Board election is currently under way and will close November 13 at 5 p.m. You can get to know the candidates and cast your ballot here. If you would like to get more involved with the SDCBA, consider applying to serve on an SDCBA Committee. We have Community-focused, Governance-focused, and Profession-focused Committees (more info here). Nominate yourself here by November 20 at noon.
Finally, since my last President’s Message, Justice Amy Coney Barrett has been sworn in as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and serves as only the fifth woman on that Court in its history. And, here in California, a hearing will be held on November 10 to consider the recent nomination of retired appellate court Justice Martin Jenkins, who Governor Gavin Newsom nominated to fill a vacancy on the California Supreme Court. If confirmed, Justice Jenkins would be the first openly gay California Supreme Court justice and only the third African American man to ever serve on that Court.
On the eve of this historic national election, I am particularly reminded of the words of the incomparable lawyer, leader, and activist Pauli Murray:
“True community is based on upon equality, mutuality, and reciprocity. It affirms the richness of individual diversity as well as the common human ties that bind us together.”
Have a great week.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President