This week many of us are, or will be, focused on the meal-planning for Thursday’s food fest. The tryptophan and carb comas are coming, and creative left-over makeovers will make up the rest of the weekend. So, I was a little surprised to read that today’s action item in the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge, the Monday before Thanksgiving, is to cook a meal for someone who is stressed or tired. More cooking??
But the concept of “breaking bread” together with someone, especially someone who might need the comfort and companionship, resonated with me. As the article pointed out, if you’re cooking anyway, it doesn’t take much effort to cook for one more. It got me thinking about all the people in my life that I don’t see often enough whom I might be able to bring a meal to in North County, where I live. It got me thinking about those friendships that pick up after months of not seeing each other as if no time has passed. It got me thinking … and the thinking awoke my gratitude.
And so, I will plan and cook a dinner for tonight. And I’ll keep planning for Thursday as well, though this working mama ordered most of our Thanksgiving meal through Goldbelly (and I am very grateful for that convenience)!
Now I just have to figure out what I’m going to cook for Holidays Around the World next week! Wishing you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: Empath by Judy Dyer
Listening to: Crimson and Clover by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
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