Thanksgiving has come and gone, but before we leave November, there are two more days of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge and I’m determined to end strong. Today’s challenge is to call or text someone and share a reason I’m grateful for them (the tough part will be narrowing down whom to send that message to), and tomorrow’s challenge (spoiler alert) is to start a gratitude journal. I’ve been meaning to do that, so this was just the prompt that I needed. If you keep one, I’d love to hear if you fill it out in the morning or in the evening, and why.
And that brings us to December! My friends are already celebrating with pictures of the sparkly trees gracing their homes or showcasing beautifully lit menorahs to celebrate Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. Each December I wind up flabbergasted by how quickly the month flies by, and the sheer number of events our legal community hosts to provide opportunities to connect and celebrate together.
As we continue to balance health and safety with the need to reconnect, we offer some ways to share holiday cheer:
Our Holidays Around the World Potluck Celebration will take place downstairs on the first floor of our building. Doors will be opened for good ventilation, and masks are required when not actively eating or drinking.
Our Annual Membership Meeting will be offered both in-person with masks required and over Zoom, using our new hybrid technology.
And next week’s Stepping Up to the Bar will require masks when not actively eating or drinking and either an attestation that you are fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test.
As I always say, but it bears repeating: do what is comfortable for you and your family. We at the SDCBA hope that your holidays are healthy, merry, and bright.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: Empath by Judy Dyer
Listening to: Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba