Did you know that the San Diego County Bar Foundation is the SDCBA’s “sister” organization, a stand-alone 501(c)(3) with its own separate Board of Directors? The Foundation strives to provide access to justice by investing in sustainable results and advocacy for people and communities in our region that are impacted by poverty, abuse, and discrimination. It strengthens the profession by providing lawyers the opportunity to contribute to the quality and benefit of San Diego County.
An Evening in La Jolla: Mask-erade!, which is quickly coming up on September 25, is one of the signature Foundation benefits. Your attendance and participation directly support the Foundation’s grant program that has provided over $4 million in funding to over 50 legal aid and public interest organizations in San Diego. Last year alone, the Foundation awarded $411,700 to 29 non-profit organizations.
We know how desperately these grants are needed now. COVID has exacerbated already difficult situations, including domestic violence, homelessness, people seeking asylum, and so many more. These are our neighbors, this is our community, and we can make a difference.
If you cannot attend, or don’t feel up to in-person events yet, you can still support the good work of the Foundation through its “Give an Hour” program or by designating it as a cy pres beneficiary.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: Still on break!
Listening to: My Girl (Gone, Gone, Gone) by Chilliwack
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