The SDCBA has twenty-six practice area-related Sections, from Alternative Dispute Resolution to Workers Compensation Law. Each of these Sections is free to join with your membership and you can join as many as you would like. I joined all the Sections several years ago and I’ve enjoyed the feeling of connection with our community and seeing what topics pop up in the various practice areas. Section members can vote in the upcoming Section Elections which will run September 30 through October 21. Make sure to join and cast your vote! (See “Of Note” below for more details.) My sincere thanks to the 2021 Section leadership who have continued to be creative in providing ways to connect and educate our members. They have been tireless in their efforts and dedication.
We’re also holding elections for the New Lawyer Division Members at Large. NLD Chair Stephanie Atkinson and Vice Chair Jake Zindulka, along with their Executive Committee, have done a fantastic job this year leading the Division and keeping the momentum going, as evidenced by the fantastic – and large! – group of lawyers running for leadership positions.
Last but certainly not least, I want to thank the tremendous candidates who are seeking election to the SDCBA Board of Directors. There are eleven candidates running for four at-large positions and one candidate running for one regional (South Bay) position. The election will take place online from October 13 through November 12, 2021. Eligible voters will receive voting instructions via email in early October.
As we head into the 4th quarter of 2021, it is clear that the SDCBA will be in good hands in 2022.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: Alpha by David Phillips
Listening to: You Gotta Be by Des’ree
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba