September is here in full force, and we need to talk all things Mock Trial, Leadership Academy, and SDCBA Elections! Even though they both take place in 2022, deadlines are fast approaching for both programs that you don’t want to miss.
San Diego High School Mock Trial
I didn’t learn the difference between “sustained” and “overruled” until I reached law school in 2005. It was especially meaningful for me, then, to be able to teach high school students that difference — and more — as a SD High School Mock Trial coach and watch them blossom into zealous advocates, expert witnesses, bailiffs, and time-keepers.
When I signed up to coach teams, I didn’t understand the magnitude of impact the program would have on the students (or me!), or how they would carry the skills they learned into the future for college interviews, job interviews, as jurors, or for prospective careers. Each time I have run into a former student, the perspective they shared with me of their experience has been deeply touching.
If you haven’t volunteered as a coach yet, you are missing out on a truly rewarding experience. Good thing you can rectify that now! The San Diego High School Mock Trial Competition is seeking attorneys to serve as coaches for 2022. I hope you will volunteer this year, or at least sign up to learn more, by registering for the upcoming Attorney Coach Orientation meetings by September 17.
SDCBA Leadership Academy
Our inaugural Leadership Academy doesn’t kick off until January, but applications are due September 15. I remember several years ago, when Anna Romanskaya was leading the committee and feeling out the viability of a leadership academy. I took on the task of researching whether something like this was offered by any other organization in San Diego. I remember reporting back to the committee that, should we start a leadership academy, it would be filling an unmet need. Though the leadership and composition of the committee has changed over the years, the committee itself continued to follow through, refine the ideas, and create a curriculum that we are proud to launch to help lawyers become the best leaders they can be both in their volunteer service and in their firms. I would like to thank every person who has helped make the dream of a leadership academy a reality! It truly was a group effort.
The Leadership Academy is designed for lawyers with at least three years of experience in the profession, all the way to senior lawyers seeking to grow and enhance their established leadership. You can find the application here.
SDCBA Elections
Speaking of leadership, I am also excited to announce our 2022 Board of Directors Candidates! There are eleven candidates running for four at-large positions, and one candidate running for one regional position. You can find more information about our candidates here. All SDCBA attorney members are eligible to vote, and the election will take place online, starting October 13 and running through November 12, 2021. Voting instructions will be sent via email in early October, so make sure to keep an eye out. Thank you to all of our candidates for participating!
“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” (Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others by John C. Maxwell). Whether you choose to give your time to developing the next generation of lawyers or you focus on bettering yourself to help shape your firm, your practice, or the profession, you are the leader we need.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: Taking a break!
Listening to: Mama Said by Lukas Graham
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba