It’s election season … including at the SDCBA! In advance of the October 14–November 13 voting period, please get to know your 2021 SDCBA Board of Directors candidates by visiting our elections homepage and clicking on their photos. There are six candidates running for four At-Large Director positions and one candidate running for the regional (North County) Director seat. All SDCBA attorney members are eligible to vote for your 2021 SDCBA Directors.
You also are invited to nominate yourself for a leadership role with one of the SDCBA’s 26 practice-area Sections or—for lawyers in their first seven years of practice—our New Lawyer Division (NLD). Serving in Section or NLD leadership is a fantastic way to foster connections, contribute ideas, enhance your expertise, gain visibility, and build your leadership skills. Self-nominations for Section and NLD leadership positions are open now through September 17. Learn more here.
We know that connections to the bench are vital to many of you and your daily law practice. We’ve been thrilled by your positive feedback on our Breakouts with the Bench series (our Bench-Bar Luncheons reimagined for 2020!). Thank you to all of the judges, attorneys, and law students who have participated in these unique opportunities for dialogue among the bench and bar. We invite you to join the next event in our series, Breakouts with the Bench—Juvenile Law, tomorrow at noon. Register here. Also, note that as San Diego moves into Stage 3 reopening, the San Diego Superior Court has resumed summoning jurors. See the Court’s press release here »
If you’re not joining our Breakouts event, take a break of a different kind—and focus on your wellness with our monthly Wellness Wednesday: Mindful Meditation Series, on Wednesday at noon. In this 1-hour session, you’ll learn and practice a breath-based meditation technique and participate in a guided meditation.
Later this month, we are hosting our Annual Awards Ceremony & Celebration of Community Service on September 30 at 12:00 p.m. This special event will celebrate our 2020 Service Award recipients and announce the winners of the K-12 student Law Week Poster & Video Contest (don’t you always love seeing those students excited about civics!). Attendance is free—register here to join us for this always-inspiring celebration. New this year, we have launched a $100 “Friend Sponsor” level so you can show support for the honorees and for this event. This year’s theme is “Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy: The 19th Amendment at 100.” All Friend Sponsors will be recognized in the Official Event Program and on the event registration page, with special thanks for their support. For more information and to secure your spot as a Friend Sponsor, click here. (Note: you must register separately for the event here.)
Calling all volunteer arbitrators! The SDCBA has a robust Fee Arbitration Program that relies on volunteer arbitrators to resolve disputes. On September 17 at 1:00 p.m. The Bar Association of San Francisco and the State Bar of California Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program are hosting a free CLE training via Zoom on Becoming a Fee Arbitrator. The training is offered to all prospective and current volunteers who arbitrate attorney-client fee disputes. Learn more and register here »
Finally, please let us know how we can best serve you. Through our new Suggestion Box (on our home page), we welcome your feedback, comments, or suggestions for programs or other ideas.
We hope you’re staying healthy, connected, and productive. Take good care.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President