Last week, I had the privilege and honor of speaking to nearly 100 fifth grade students at La Costa Heights Elementary School. The school is a “Lighthouse Leader in Me” school, preparing students to be leaders in our community. I was invited to speak about the 19th Amendment, voting rights, and democracy—and, of course, I ended up learning even more from the students.
The students spoke with pride about the “Walk for Equality” they hosted on February 13 to raise awareness and inspire action toward a vision of equity and equality for all. They also taught me about Assembly Bill 271, which is aimed at closing the pay gap for women and workers of color in civil service positions in California. From the school’s fifth grade classes, 85 students are going to Sacramento tomorrow, March 3, to lobby elected officials in support of AB 271. And, the students not headed to Sacramento will be meeting with local elected officials and community leaders to raise awareness about the bill. This is democracy in action! To honor the work these students and future leaders are undertaking, I hope we all take the time to participate in our democratic process by casting votes tomorrow and making our voices heard. To find your nearest polling place, click here »
In other Bar news—this Friday, March 6, is the deadline to submit nominations for the 2020 SDCBA Service Awards to be presented at our Annual Law Week Luncheon and Awards Ceremony on May 1. Please take this opportunity to shine a light on your friends, colleagues, and organizations that inspire you through their service to our community. To learn more about the award categories and submit nominations, click here »
In other highlights, register here for the March 19 “Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law: 2019 Year in Review,” which will cover recent changes to influential Common Law outcomes, Probate Code, and Judicial Council forms.
Finally, as an SDCBA member, you have access to many member benefits. Your newest lifestyle and wellness benefit is Fitness Fridays. Each Friday at 1 p.m. Fit Athletic Club in Little Italy will offer SDCBA members free group exercise classes ranging from yoga to cycling to weightlifting. Membership discounts also are available if you decide to join Fit. You can sign up for this Friday’s class here.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President