As we announced last week, the SDCBA has gone above and beyond the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended coronavirus guidelines and is taking every precaution to ensure the health and safety of our staff and members. To that end, we closed the SDCBA Bar Center from Friday, March 6 through Friday, March 13 to limit public interactions within our space. We continue to monitor this situation and will provide further information by Friday as to whether the Bar Center will reopen on Monday, March 16.
In the meantime, the SDCBA staff is working and remains available during normal business hours from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. to assist you by phone and email. We also are working to minimize disruptions to our members and ensure continuity of operations. Committee and Section meetings will be held via SDCBA conference call or webinar, and events outside the Bar Center may continue under the organizer’s discretion. We encourage everyone to take preventative measures against the coronavirus and, of course, we ask members who are ill to refrain from attending any SDCBA events.
To learn more, the CDC has up-to-date information, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has helpful guidance for employers, and locally, the County of San Diego has set up a new website: sandiegocounty.gov/coronavirus.
JUDICIAL RECEPTION POSTPONED: We are postponing the judicial reception that was scheduled for March 26. We want to give everyone plenty of notice about the postponement, and given the planning and logistics involved in this large event, we felt it best to make the decision now. When we do host this reception, we want our judicial officers, elected officials, and members to feel great about it and enjoy themselves. We’re identifying a date in late Spring or early Summer to host this fun, annual gathering of the bench and the bar. Stay tuned for further details.
Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to recognize and honor Women’s History Month, which is celebrated in March. Yesterday, March 8, specifically marked International Women’s Day and I was inspired to read so many messages lifting up women and the exceptional work they do around the world. The SDCBA is particularly excited to be celebrating the 19th Amendment and the centennial anniversary of women’s right to vote at our Annual Law Week Luncheon & Celebration of Community Service on May 1.
As we do each year, we currently are reaching out to local schools, K-12, to participate in our Law Week Poster and Video Contest, around the theme “Our Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy.” All entries will be evaluated by judges, attorneys, law students, and members of the legal community, based on originality, creativity, and impact. Submissions are due April 4 at noon. To learn more about the contest, click here »
Have a great week,
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President