Greetings SDCBA members,
We hope this message finds you and your families, colleagues, and clients staying healthy and well.
As promised, we want to update you about our COVID-19 response and when we will return to the office and Bar Center. As we come to the end of another month of managing our response, we have determined that it is not yet an advisable time to open our physical space. When making this decision we factored in the notable recent increase in COVID-19 community outbreaks in San Diego, as well as requests from the State and County that businesses that are able to do so continue maximizing telework opportunities for their employees. As we continue to move through this time, we keep you and our staff top of mind.
Although our physical offices and Bar Center remain closed, our operations and offerings continue! We are so grateful to our staff, our volunteer leadership, and members, who continue to help us provide rich programming, virtual connections, and consistent value.
Beginning July 8, you will see the launch of the reimagined, virtual “Breakouts with the Bench” Series where members can interact with judges in small breakout rooms on Zoom, simulating the feel of an in-person Bench-Bar luncheon from the comfort of your home or office. You can register now for the July 8 Civil Law Breakouts and the July 27 Criminal Law Breakouts, with Family Law, Juvenile Law, and Probate Law coming shortly.
We also are meeting this moment with the formation of a new Anti-Racism Subcommittee of our Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. We are developing ideas to build on our annual Dialogue on Diversity and other steps we will be announcing in the weeks to come.
As a follow-up to our Leadership Speaker Series event Elevate Your Points & Presence in Virtual Presentations, mark your calendar for the next exciting virtual Leadership Speaker Series program. On July 20 at noon, we will bring you Lights, Camera, Action: How to Become a TV Legal Commentator. And, as always, we have a rich offering of free webinars (available here) and our MCLE catalog (available here).
Finally, in late July, we also will host “MEMBO: Member Benefit Expo and Appreciation Fest” — a way to thank SDCBA members with an exciting week of info-packed webinars to help your practice, presented by experts from our Member Benefit Partners, with a can’t miss keynote by Clio CEO Jack Newton, plus games, opportunity drawings, prizes, and more.
We assure you that we are preparing for a safe reopening when we can provide for the health and well-being of our employees and members. Until then, be well! Thank you for your continued patience and support. Take good care.
Jill Epstein
SDCBA Executive Director
Johanna Schiavoni
SDCBA President