Dear Members,
As promised, we continue to update you monthly about the status of our office space and Bar Center.
In light of the County’s July 21, 2020 Order of the Health Officer directing all non-essential businesses to close unless services can be provided without direct contact with the public, including through telecommuting, we have made the decision that our Bar Center will remain closed and our staff will continue to serve our membership remotely.
The SDCBA’s highest priority is to support our members and we have proudly focused on that priority throughout this difficult time. This concept is woven through our Core Values, Vision, and recently updated Mission: To connect lawyers and support their success and fulfillment. You can review all of our guiding principles, and our 2020-2022 strategic priorities, here.
In recent weeks, we have supported members by hosting two of five scheduled Breakouts with the Bench programs (Civil Law and Criminal Law), affording members the opportunity to hear updates from the Court, followed by small breakout sessions with judges. Be sure to save the dates for our Family Law (August 13), Juvenile Law (September 9), and Probate Law (October 7) Breakouts with the Bench. We also have continued our Leadership Speaker Series, and a full slate of other programs and events to help you stay connected to one another and to support your law practice through this extraordinary time.
On that note, this past Wednesday, we hosted an informative roundtable program on the topic of Workforce Worries and Well-Being: Supporting Employees During the Pandemic. Watch the replay here to hear valuable perspectives and strategies the SDCBA, the Superior Court, and a local law firm have employed to address the crisis with employee-centered approaches. You’ll also hear how these forward-thinking leaders are planning for eventual reopening and how they are re-thinking the future of what work looks like.
Please join us at an upcoming event or catch up on what you may have missed in our free law practice, tech, and marketing sessions, from our MEMBO! Week that showcased our Member Benefits providers, or in our online CLE catalog.
While our physical space remains closed, our commitment to providing you with the very best in programming, resources, connection, and support continues!
Jill Epstein
Executive Director
Johanna Schiavoni
SDCBA President