Dear Members,
In the interest of staff and members’ health and safety, the SDCBA made the difficult decision to close the Bar Center on March 6, 2020. We quickly realized that closing was the easy part; reopening would be far more complex. Since that time, we have worked diligently to track state and local public health orders and permissible activities under California’s “Blueprint for a Safer Economy.”
Just as we were prepared to release our carefully constructed reopening targets to our membership, the Governor issued an April 6 press release announcing his plan to fully reopen the economy on June 15 as long as California has a sufficient supply of vaccines and hospitalizations are low. This press release states that businesses can open with common-sense risk-reduction measures, including mandating masks. The announcement suggests indoor events, like those held on SDCBA premises, will be allowed to occur with testing or vaccination verification requirements.
As we await more details and watch the vaccine supply and hospitalization numbers, we want to hear your feelings about returning to the SDCBA Bar Center and SDCBA Conference Center for in-person events with restrictions. We plan to proceed cautiously and responsibly, and we sincerely hope you will provide your feedback via the short survey link below.
In the meantime, we hope you continue attending SDCBA virtual events (including the April 20 State of the Superior Court and April 28 State of the District Court) and utilizing your benefits (including personal appointments with our Technology and Practice Management Advisor, referrals from our Lawyer Referral and Information Service, and interaction with colleagues via 26 Section listservs). We remain committed to our mission to connect lawyers and support your success and fulfillment!
Thank you for your membership and patience during these unprecedented times. Healthy days are ahead, and we can’t wait to see you in person very soon!
With gratitude,

Jill Epstein
SDCBA Executive Director
Renée N. G. Stackhouse
SDCBA President