What is the Difference between Personal Property and Real Property?
In civil litigation, when the lawsuit involves some type of property dispute or damage, there may need to be a distinction between personal property and real property.
Can You Be Sued for Posting Opinions Online?
Publishing our opinions on the Internet is as much an expectation these days as a convenience. But what happens if your comments attract the wrong kind of attention – can you be sued for your online opinions?
How long do I have to file a claim for property damage in California?

First things first, determining exactly how much time you have to file a property damage claim can be very difficult. This is because even if you know what type of property damage claim you want to submit, there may be facts about your case that change the amount of time you have to file (otherwise known as the statute of limitations). For these reasons, we recommend that you speak with a civil litigation attorney before filing.
What You Should Do After a Car Accident Happens to You
In some auto accidents, a civil lawsuit is a distinct possibility – here’s what to do.