Message from the Chair of the New Lawyer Division
Can you believe we have made it to June!? It’s officially summer! Although the sun is shining and the beaches have re-opened, I hope you are all enjoying our beautiful city safely.
Trial attorneys may have a more direct, objective, feedback mechanism through a verdict or a ruling on a dispositive motion, but all lawyers inevitably receive feedback from their clients, sometimes very publicly.
The independent-contractor-heavy gig economy in this state faced a great challenge after the passing of Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’ AB 5, a law intended to codify the decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles (2018) 4 Cal.5th 903 (Dynamex).
Get recommendations and guidelines that contractors, trades, and others have developed to allow California to continue to build during COVID-19.
Just after midnight on June 16, 2015, a fifth-floor balcony collapsed in Berkeley, California. Six young people were killed and another seven were injured. The tragedy sparked national interest in construction practices.
Do not lose sight of your desire to change the world.
In the latest iteration of the Montrose Chemical v. Superior Court[1] litigation, the California Supreme Court unanimously adopted the “vertical exhaustion” rule allowing policyholders to tap excess policies after having exhausted the underlying excess policies with lower attachment points in the same policy period.
The COVID-19 pandemic is testing landlord-tenant relationships in California like never before.
As lawyers, our typical response of “it depends” seems insufficient in this already tenuous atmosphere.