Tag: #mindfulminute

Mindful Minute: A Walk in the Park

By Heidi Weaver

The dictionary definition of “a walk in the park” is “something that is easy to do.” So why did I build this activity up in my mind as a big, time-consuming commitment? By way of context, there is a beautiful, green, shady park in my neighborhood that I always say I will go to, but hardly ever do. This is silly seeing as I live so close to this park that when live bands play there on hot summer nights, I can hear the music from my front porch. I even end up walking past it on my way to practically everywhere else in the neighborhood. When I do, I usually turn my head and gaze off longingly in the direction of the people enjoying themselves. There they are mere feet away, doing blissful park things like picnicking on a blanket, balancing on a tree tightrope, throwing a frisbee, pushing a toddler on a swing, or laying on the grass doing absolutely nothing. Watching these fortunate park souls, I always think to myself, one of these days I really need to carve out some time to go to the park.  Read More