Tag: newlawyers

Mindful Minute: Wellness for New Lawyers and Law Students

By Elijah T. Gaglio

All lawyers are at a higher risk of experiencing substance abuse, loneliness, depression, and suicide, which was confirmed in a 2020 in-depth study by the California Lawyers Association and D.C. Bar Association.[1] Many lawyers “are expected to work long hours, meet tight deadlines, and handle complex legal issues, all while maintaining a high level of professionalism and client satisfaction.”[2]  New lawyers generally experience this high level of stress for the first time when they are starting their practice. Now, the State Bar of California requires new attorneys to complete a 1.5-hour course on competency (substance abuse, mental health issues) as part of its
New Attorney Training for MCLE compliance Read More

Policy Limit Demands Vs. Mediation Confidentiality: Part 1

By Richard A. Huver

Is the lid off the policy?  That question has undoubtedly been asked by plaintiff and defense lawyers alike.  Whether an insurance company has a duty to accept a policy limits demand is generally an individualized question dependent on many factors, including the timing of the demand, the information available on both liability and damages, and the likelihood of a verdict in excess of the policy limits.  Evaluating how these factors apply to a demand made during the claim process or litigation is one thing.  But what happens if the policy limits demand is made incident to or during a mediation? Read More