President’s Message: August 14, 2023

For years, I did not know about the San Diego County Bar Foundation, which is the charitable arm of the San Diego County Bar Association. Of course, as became involved in SDCBA leadership I became aware of the Foundation and its vision. The Foundation’s core mission is to provide access to justice and promote public understanding by providing grants to organizations that advocate for people and communities in our region that are impacted by poverty, abuse and discrimination.
The Foundation raises money and makes grants to local organizations that fulfill its mission of providing legal access and education. And as a testament to the Foundation’s commitment, it has given back over $5.5 million to the San Diego community. In 2022 alone, the Foundation gave a very impressive $448,500 to 24 local nonprofits. Click here to see a list of the organizations the Foundation helps support.
If you know of a legal aid or public interest nonprofit providing services within the county of San Diego, let them know that applications for the general grant cycle will be accepted through September 1, 2023. To be eligible for grant funds the applicant must (1) facilitate and expand the availability of legal services; (2) improve the administration of justice and the San Diego court system; and/or (3) promote public understanding of the law.
The Foundation’s funds come from the generous contributions of local legal and business communities directly or through various fundraising programs throughout the year, such as:
• Distinguished Lawyer Memorial
• An Evening in La Jolla
• Cy Pres Settlement Awards
• Planned and Legacy Gifts
• Give a Billable Hour Campaign
• Other general Support
SDCBA members can donate to the Foundation when renewing membership by checking the box to give to the Foundation. If you auto-renew, like I do, you may never see the box that enables to you donate, so think about supporting the Foundation’s mission by giving in one of the ways listed above, or by going to the Foundation’s website to contribute.
And by the way, an Evening in La Jolla is a wonderful event which features great food and desserts, and a silent auction. This year’s event is on September 23, 2023, at the Scripps Aquarium. I hope to see you there.
Melissa Johnson
SDCBA President