By Henry Angelino
The holiday season is in full swing as we prepare for the end of the year and plan for next year. We are attempting to balance our case load with family vacations, the final push for collections with ensuring our employees are rewarded for their dedication, and thinking about how to make 2018 even more successful than 2017. New Year’s resolutions are usually made in January, so here is a brief list of tips to help you get started.
Strategic Plan Review
Do you have a strategic or business plan and when was the last time you reviewed it? Unfortunately, there are numerous competing priorities for your time and handling the immediate needs of a client and/or matter take precedence. However, making the time for a “firm retreat” to create or review a plan can provide clarity and keep you focused in the coming year. Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, states that you should “start with the end in mind.” As part of the strategic planning process, setting annual goals can assist in achieving your long-term goals (three, five and 10 years).
Business Development Plan Review
This is another tool to keep you personally focused on efforts to generate new clients or additional work from existing clients. Many attorneys will create a business development plan and put it away, never to look at it again. Now is the time to review and update your plan examining your networking progress, marketing efforts, community involvement and client development strategies. Did you join your practice section at the San Diego County Bar Association, alumni groups, professional organizations or civic boards, or volunteer with charities to enhance your professional expertise, expand your network and contribute to the community? What are you doing to strengthen your relationship with your clients? Is your plan reflected in your budget?
Risk Management Assessment
Risk and risk management are familiar terms for attorneys since they deal with them in every litigation case and transaction. Do you apply the same approach to your practice? Do you have policies and procedures in place to minimize the risk of having to disengage from a matter due to a failed client-attorney relationship, having a client file a suit or complaint against you, or the more common occurrence of performing “unintentional” pro bono work for a non-paying client? Risk management starts with the client intake process and continues with client communications, collections and disengagement or closing of the matter. Having a clearly defined process in place enables your firm to achieve consistency and efficiency, and reduce
risk while retaining optimum clients
and establishing a positive
business relationship.
Task Management and Delegation
Your time is important and you want to spend as much of your time practicing law versus administering the firm. Administration cannot be ignored though, so how do you free up more of your time? Make a list of tasks and decisions that you currently perform and then divide the list into two: Executive and Non-Executive Tasks. Executive tasks are items that only you can perform due to your knowledge, their complexity and/or their importance. Non-executive tasks are items that could be delegated to a staff member with the right training, guidance and supervision. Delegate tasks with the right controls, procedures and pre-approved templates in place, and enjoy practicing law more.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday season but be sure to calendar time to reflect on your firm/practice and plan for making it even better in 2018. Remember to integrate your plan with your budget and discuss it with your team. Even better, get their input as part of your planning process. Your team’s buy-in can play a significant role in the success of the firm.
Henry Angelino is owner of Angelino & Associates.
This article was originally published in the Nov/Dec 2017 issue of San Diego Lawyer.