Each year, defective product accidents cause injuries or death to 34 million people, costing $12 billion annually (Santa Clara University).

If you feel that a defective product has injured you, then you should consider speaking with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases.
While many product liabilities occur each year, not every situation results in a court trial. Some personal injury cases may be settled by attorneys outside of court, which can help injured parties reach a faster resolution.
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) of San Diego County can provide you with referrals to personal injury lawyers who are experienced and knowledgeable about defective product injuries.
A few items you may need before you speak with an attorney or legal service include:
· Photos of your injury, caused by the defective product
· Details about what you were doing when the product became defective
· The product you claim to be defective, as well as sales and service receipts associated with the product
· Medical records, if you went to a doctor or hospital as a result of your injury
· Witness testimonies about the accident, if available
There may be other records that will help your case, but to understand what you should do next please reach out to the LRIS for a lawyer referral.