Change Your Breath to Change Your Mood
We can change the way we feel by changing our breath — and we can do it in less than a minute.
We can change the way we feel by changing our breath — and we can do it in less than a minute.
Get the latest "Tech Tidbits" on Zoom Bombing, Reed Smiths New App, Deepfakes, and more.
As promised, we want to update you about our COVID-19 response and when we will return to the office and Bar Center. As we come to the end of another month of managing our response, we have determined that it is not yet an advisable time to open our physical space.
Does the failure to disclose in writing relationships in the professional swimming world to a professional swimmer client subject a lawyer to discipline?
In its recent Formal Opinion 491, issued April 29, 2020, the American Bar Association (“Opinion 491”) provided a strong reminder to lawyers that they may not always rely solely upon a client’s word.
Trial attorneys may have a more direct, objective, feedback mechanism through a verdict or a ruling on a dispositive motion, but all lawyers inevitably receive feedback from their clients, sometimes very publicly.
The independent-contractor-heavy gig economy in this state faced a great challenge after the passing of Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’ AB 5, a law intended to codify the decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles (2018) 4 Cal.5th 903 (Dynamex).