Message from the Chair of the New Lawyer Division

Greetings NLD,
It has been a pleasure serving this community as chair of the New Lawyer Division! One of the NLD’s primary goals is to serve as a voice for the NLD membership while providing information and resources based on our community’s unique and specific needs. New this year, we conducted a few member surveys in order to shed light on real issues affecting our community, including civility towards new lawyers and new lawyers’ acclimation to the post-pandemic workplace. Please take two minutes to complete our current poll on lawyer-targeted scams so that the NLD can report on how this issue affects new lawyers and law students.
Next, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, the upcoming holidays, I thought I would share some of the many things I am grateful for as I close out my time as NLD’s Chair.
I am grateful for our members who joined us for events, participated in community outreach, read For the Record, and attended our CLEs. Thank you for sticking with us through virtual programming and for rejoining us for our first in-person events.
I am grateful for the amazing SDCBA staff and NLD Executive Committee and subdivision members for their hard work in planning and executing great programming and support for our community this year. Thank you for all of your hard work in making this past year such a success despite the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.
I am grateful that things are starting to return to “normal” (knock on wood) as restrictions have lessened, the SDCBA has re-opened its doors, and in-person programming has begun to return. I am especially grateful to be able to gather with friends, family, and colleagues again after a long run of isolation, fear, loss, uncertainty, and so much more. While we are not yet out of the woods, I am grateful for the unwavering support, strength, and leadership of our legal community through these difficult times.
I am grateful and proud to be part of an organization and community that values diversity and inclusion and continues to fight for equality and justice.
Lastly, I am grateful for the kindness and generosity of our community. Thank you to everyone who supported NLD’s initiative with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. Through your donations of new toys and clothing, seven children of families in crisis will have a happy holiday.
It has been an honor to serve as your Chair this past year. Although my term as Chair is over, my commitment to supporting our members is not. Please do not hesitate to reach out anytime. You can email me at stephanie.atkinson@bipc.com, call or text me at 619-277-3037, or find me on LinkedIn. My door is always open, so to speak.
My message would not be complete without a plug to follow NLD on LinkedIn and Facebook. I also encourage anyone interested in getting involved in NLD leadership next year to reach out to our incoming chair Jake Zindulka.
It has been my pleasure to serve, and I wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday season and the very best 2022 has to offer. I look forward to seeing you at future events!
Stephanie Atkinson