Some people describe the changing of leadership as the passing of a baton. That is especially true in an organization like this, where presidential terms are limited to a single year.
Some people have commented to me that the phrase, “thank you,” contains the two most important words that leaders have in their tool belts. As somebody who has asked a lot before the year has even begun, I could not agree more.
For these two reasons, then, I wanted to start off 2022 the way that my predecessor and friend, Renée N.G. Stackhouse, ended 2021 … with expressions of gratitude.
Thank you to our members. You are our raison d’etre.
Thank you for those who engage in the San Diego County Bar Association. Whether it is by reading This Week at the Bar, coming to CLEs, being involved in sections, committees, task forces, or initiatives, enjoying the events we host throughout the year, or otherwise, your participation makes the County Bar Association more special and rewarding for everybody else.
Thank you to those who encourage others to become engaged in the San Diego County Bar Association. Lawyers are inherently busy and have many options for professional organizations to devote their time to. Sometimes they may need a nudge to experience us.
Thank you to the firms who support their lawyers who engage with us. I know that time spent with the San Diego County Bar Association is time not spent working on clients’ matters. That can be a sacrifice for firms of any size. And I appreciate that you see the reward received from such efforts justifies that choice.
And, finally, thank you for your optimism headed into 2022. With the incredible professional team we have and the hundreds of volunteer leaders, I feel confident that we can deliver another special year.
David Majchrzak
2022 SDCBA President