Emily Dickinson described it as “the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tunes without the words, and never stops at all.” Greek mythology cast it as the final content of Pandora’s Box, giving mortals something to combat the evil unleashed when the box was opened. Miriam Webster defines it: “to cherish a desire with anticipation.”
It is Hope.
I think we, as lawyers, may sometimes forget in the rush of our job and our daily grind that one of the biggest gifts we provide our clients is hope. We can get caught up in a cynical thought process when talking to potential clients that centers around the business aspect of the law. No shame in that, business owners and rain-makers. Bills need to be paid. But maybe the two don’t need to be mutually exclusive.
Recently, LRIS panelist Thom Diachenko brought that happy mix to life when he took on a case referred through the LRIS system that multiple other attorneys had rejected, giving his client hope, helping her feel heard, and securing a $2.5M verdict while doing it. The video about the landmark case is aptly titled “Hope Restored” and you can hear attorney Diachenko and his courageous client, Ms. Horton, speak about the experience here.
Each and every day, what we do touches — and changes — lives. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of a profession like the law. No matter who we are and what area of practice we are in, or whether we now sit on the Bench, we have the honor.
Some attorneys and judges have made an art form of their commitment to the profession and the community through demonstrated superior legal skills, high ethical standards, and outstanding dedication to the welfare of the community. San Diego County Bar Foundation’s Distinguished Lawyer Memorial honors those men and women each year. The 2021 DLM Honorees are Gerald “Jerry” Blank, John J. Cleary, Judge William B. Enright, Anthony M. Medina, Brian D. Monaghan, and Peter Quon Jr. I hope that you will join me at the Virtual Reception this Wednesday, June 23 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. I also encourage you to donate in their names to the SDCBF, a 501(c)(3), which provides access to justice for people and communities that are most impacted by poverty, abuse, and discrimination throughout San Diego County. Their stories and their actions will inspire you.
So, as we go into a fresh week, remember who you are and that each day is a new opportunity to give someone hope.
Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President
Reading now: How to Be an Anti-Racist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi (for the upcoming Exchange on Equity Roundtable Book Discussion July 12)
Listening to: Chris Voss Teaches the Art of Negotiation (Masterclass)
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba