Are you interested in stepping up your leadership within the SDCBA in 2021? As you hopefully saw advertised last week, we have a vacancy for a two-year Director-at-Large position. In December, the SDCBA Board will appoint an eligible attorney to serve the remaining term (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022). For those interested in joining the Board, you can find the qualifications for Board members here. The deadline for eligible candidates to apply is December 1 at 9:00 a.m. Click here to apply.
Before we close out 2020, we have a number of educational, court-focused, and downright fun events coming up! You’ll want to mark your calendars now for this terrific line-up of December events.
Upcoming Events
- Tech Tuesday: On December 1 at 10 a.m., join us for Saving Time and Avoiding Errors: The Value of Document Automation for Small and Mid-Size Firms with the founder and CEO of Lawyaw, Tucker Cottingham.
- Annual Membership Meeting: On Thursday, December 3 at 4 p.m., we’ll host our Annual Membership Meeting, where we’ll look back at 2020, look ahead to 2021, and answer your questions. President-Elect Renée N.G. Stackhouse, Executive Director Jill Epstein, and I would love to see you there.
- Solo/Small Firm Conference: December 8 and 9 from 1:30–5 p.m., sign on for Truly, Madly, Solo — Flying Into the Great Unknown, Prepping for a Successful 2021. The two half-day conference—focused specifically on the needs of solo and small law firms—will cover everything from practice management to marketing.
Court Update Programs
- A Conversation with the Ninth Circuit: On Friday, December 4 from 12–1p.m., join us for the Annual Appellate Holiday Program. The virtual event will feature a conversation between Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas and Judge M. Margaret McKeown.
- State of the Courts Address: Superior Court and U.S. District Court: On December 10, from 12–1:15p.m., we will host a joint State of Courts Address featuring Presiding Judge Lorna A. Alksne from the San Diego Superior Court and Chief Judge Larry A. Burns from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.
Both of these events are FREE for SDCBA members – as we want to keep you connected to our courts!
Stepping Up to the Bar . . . 2020 Style. Finally, as we close out the year, we hope you’ll join us on December 11 at 5:30 p.m. for the installation of our 2021 Board of Directors. Presiding Judge Alksne will administer the Directors’ Oath to the incoming Board and Judge Alvarez will administer the Presidential Oath to President-Elect Renée N.G. Stackhouse. Register here for this virtual event.
Giving thanks and giving back. For more than a decade, the Bench-Bar Committee—comprised of members of the Superior Court and SDCBA—has served lunches to senior citizens at the Gary & Mary West Senior Wellness Center. This year, due to the pandemic, attorneys and judicial officers have not been able to do so. To continue our support of the seniors—some of our community’s most vulnerable members—please consider donating new or unused items on the Center’s “Wish List.” Requested donation items include essential care and social isolation items. You can either drop items off at the Senior Wellness Center (directions are included with the Wish List at the link above) or order through Amazon Smile and direct items to: Gary & Mary West Senior Wellness Center, attention: Christina Selder, 1525 4th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101. For more information, please contact SDCBA Past President Jerrilyn Malana at JerrilynMalana@gmail.com.
Serve as an aspiring lawyer’s mentor. The Crawford High School Academy of Law and Justice is looking for local attorneys to serve as mentors for 11th grade students. As mentors, attorneys will meet with students to discuss their professional and educational goals, and help them plan concrete steps to meet those goals. The virtual program will take place once a month from January – June 2021. Click here to apply to serve as a mentor.
Pro Bono Mediation! Have you told your clients yet about RESOLVE Law San Diego – San Diego’s unique pro bono mediation program? Yes, that’s right, this is a FREE program providing civil litigants an alternative venue for dispute resolution. Your mediation or law & motion/discovery dispute will be heard by an experienced trial attorney, professional neutral, or retired judge on a pro bono basis. Given the backlog of jury trials and even motion hearings, this is an excellent opportunity for your clients to gain a quicker resolution of their case. RESOLVE Law allows quick scheduling and page limits, which save your clients time and potentially thousands of dollars! The program’s services have been extended through January 31, 2021. Click here to learn more.
In closing, I would like to highlight that last week Governor Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation declaring November as Native American Heritage Month in recognition of the immeasurable contributions of Native Americans to our Nation and our State.
From our team to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. And, as a fun holiday treat, I will leave you with this video of some singing federal judges providing entertainment during the pandemic. Watch here.
Please note, the SDCBA will be closed starting at noon on Wednesday, November 25 and will reopen on Monday, November 30.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President