Category: Law Practice

The Duty of Candor and Issue Forfeiture: A Hard Lesson from the Court of Appeal

The Duty of Candor and Issue Forfeiture: A Hard Lesson from the Court of Appeal

By Jeff Michalowski

Candor to the tribunal is among an attorney’s most basic responsibilities under the Rules of Professional Conduct. (See Rule 3.3(a) [“A Lawyer shall not . . . knowingly make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal . . .”].). But it is also one of the most basic features of effective lawyering.  Read More

Reliability & Liability of AI Attorneys

Reliability & Liability of AI Attorneys

By Omid Valinasab
Ford, Walker, Haggerty & Behar LLP

As expected, the exponential growth of artificial intelligence (AI) will change the future of humanity.[1] But what will be the effect of AI on the legal aspects of human life? This article provides a high-level overview of AI and its use within law, beginning with a general overview of AI and then turning to how AI is being used by lawyers in their practice, including litigation, transaction, and administrative law. Read More

NLD Member Spotlight: Sara Gold

NLD Member Spotlight: Sara Gold

By Christina Liao
Law Offices of Jane Oak

Once a writer, always a writer, as Sara Gold likes to say. A former Orange County Register news reporter, Sara found that her love for research, interviewing, and writing enabled her to seamlessly transition from writing stories to writing briefs and motions. After graduating from the California Western School of Law in 2019 and starting her legal career at Eastman IP, Sara became the Editor of this very newsletter before starting her own law practice. Read More

Working Smarter Not Harder: Time Saving Organization Tips for New Lawyers

Working Smarter Not Harder: Time Saving Organization Tips for New Lawyers

By Katherine Dishongh, Esq.

Undoubtedly, litigation operates at a rapid pace and demands a significant degree of effectiveness to achieve success. It’s easy to become ensnared in an extensive research endeavor or inadvertently overlook a novel case if one isn’t attentive. Employing a more strategic approach enhances an attorney’s capacity to effectively champion their clients’ cause, avoiding unnecessary time spent on redundant research or duplicative arguments. This article provides suggestions to effectively organize authority and stay up to date with changes in the law, the courts, and opposing counsel. Read More

Big Data Analytics to Automate Patent Disclosure of Artificial Intelligence’s Inventions

Big Data Analytics to Automate Patent Disclosure of Artificial Intelligence’s Inventions

By Omid Valinasab
Ford, Walker, Haggerty & Behar LLP

The exponential growth of artificial intelligence (AI) will change the future of humanity.[1] As Stephen Hawking once suggested, the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it; the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all.[2] Read More

The Corporate Transparency Act Means Rigorous Reporting Requirements for Corporate Clients

The Corporate Transparency Act Means Rigorous Reporting Requirements for Corporate Clients

By Kalli Sarkin
White and Bright, LLP

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is a new law that imposes additional reporting requirements on qualifying entities. Despite its name, the CTA will affect more than just corporations – it will also have an impact on limited liability companies and similar entities,[1] such as business trusts and limited liability partnerships. Read More

NLD Member Spotlight: Hana M. Willard

NLD Member Spotlight: Hana M. Willard

By Christina Liao
Law Offices of Jane Oak

Hana Willard is a judicial law clerk for Magistrate Judge Allison H. Goddard and could not love her work more. Before graduating from the California Western School of Law in 2019, she took an unconventional path to the bar after graduating from the University of Michigan as a Political Science major in 2009. Though she found something to love about every job she has held – including being a bartender and wine educator – Hana enjoys working in Judge Goddard’s chambers the most. “To make me leave, you’d have to drag me out kicking and screaming,” she says. Read More

Message from the NLD Board

Message from the NLD Board

July brought the sun to San Diego and the New Lawyer Division was ready to welcome it. The NLD co-hosted the annual Summer Social, a San Diego County Bar Association signature event. On July 12, attorneys across San Diego gathered at the Waterfront Park in downtown to enjoy “Una Notte d’Estate” or “One Summer Night.” The event was Italian-themed, and the food, drink, décor, and games charmingly evoked the Mediterranean. The NLD had a booth at the Summer Social, answered questions about membership and activities, and gave herb plantings as party favors. Read More

Attorneys as Bankers

Attorneys as Bankers

By Michael L. Crowley

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t go to law school to become a banker.[1] However, when you raised your hand to become an attorney, you agreed to abide by a 150-page manual of accounting principles that applies to client trust accounts called the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA). Read More