Legal Ethics for New Attorneys: Persuasive Argument or Ethical Violation?
It goes without saying that an attorney has an ethical obligation to be truthful to the court, but where is the line between persuasive argument and an ethical violation?
It goes without saying that an attorney has an ethical obligation to be truthful to the court, but where is the line between persuasive argument and an ethical violation?
During my second semester of 1L, California Western School of Law had to quickly adjust to online learning due to the pandemic. Some of my classmates said, “Hooray!” while others were upset. However, we all had to adjust, and we were all in this together.
“Mentorship and sponsorship are vital to a successful career. Mentors and sponsors have traveled the road to success and can provide valuable insight — ‘Don’t make the same mistakes I did.’ Having said that, we all make mistakes and a mentor or sponsor can be there to help you recover.”
Every lawyer knows it is unethical to file a frivolous lawsuit. However, the answer to the question of whether a lawsuit – or a defense to one – is frivolous, is not always easy or obvious.
California Western School of Law recently welcomed its new dean and president, Sean M. Scott. Dean Scott is one of the few women of color appointed as dean and president of an American law school.
Whether you are heading to the office, enjoying working from home as the new norm, or (like me) missing the personal interaction and eager to get back to the office, New Lawyer Division is here for you!
What is the real difference between a solo practitioner and an attorney at a law firm? More importantly, how do you know if solo practice is right for you?
By adopting simple strategies for managing your calendar and task lists, you can enjoy the all elusive “work-life” balance that we all strive for.
This article provides a basic overview of privacy and cybersecurity laws at the state and federal levels, and also examines recent developments and trends in this emerging area of law.
In this variation of our usual “Tips from the Bench,” this Tips from the Bar column features advice from an experienced attorney with a longstanding history in San Diego.